Kyra Auerbach :: GaiaWise MA Somatic Psychotherapy & Education, MBA Sustainable Enterprise
honoring your unique situation and needs with dynamic, supportive, pragmatic tools for resilience and transformation
Kyra is a counselor, advisor and social innovator with broad, systemic interests. She holds two Master’s degrees, in Somatic Psychology & Education (CIIS) and in Sustainable Enterprise (GreenMBA, Dominican University), as well as numerous certifications in yoga, massage, authentic movement, dance + contact improvisation, biointensive gardening + permaculture, elemental healing, and somatic specialties.
She is the founder/director of GaiaWise (2009), an umbrella for initiatives related to regenerative personal/professional development and project management, and serves on the boards of Maitri House Northwest and Sustainable Means.
Kyra lives in Sebastopol, CA with her two teen daughters & their cat, Pirate Tokyo. "Kyra brings a deep presence to the work that opens incredible insights of how I have been functioning in relationship and connects me to my inner wisdom." ~ Kimberly Stokes
At the root of all I offer is the practice of Intimacy as Resource: Intimacy with oneself, with others, and with our world as liberating and generative. I hope to be of service to your resilience and wellbeing. ~ Kyra GENERATIVE MENTORING for CHANGE AGENTS [email protected] 707-332-9562